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Concerned About Sinking Legs In Drills?

Concerned About Sinking Legs In Drills?

We have a student working through our Pool Comfort lesson series. In this series we guide people through a gentle process of removing the anxiety and stress they’ve felt in the water, which has previously hindered them from making progress in swim lessons, or...
Checklist For Easier Breathing – Part 1

Checklist For Easier Breathing – Part 1

Stressful, disruptive breathing is one of the top complaints brought to us by swimmers seeking coaching help.  Sometimes the swimmer can experience a great improvement in ease with just one or two little adjustments. But often there are underlying structural problems...
Can You Practice When Injured?

Can You Practice When Injured?

This title will likely attract attention because injury seems to accompany serious swimmers who persist in the sport long enough. The questions are common: should I practice when injured and if so, how?   Injured By Swimming The first scenario to address is when...
How Much Drill Work?

How Much Drill Work?

This question came up recently in the context of how we should go about training at home after swim camp (or workshop). So, I would like to elaborate here on the comments I made at camp… How much drill work should I do? Good question, but it is not easy to give...

Stepping Stone Solutions

Stepping Stone Solutions: Breaking A Complex Problem into Solvable Parts, and Using Failure Points For Success ** When trying to develop any one of several complex skills involved in swimming we need to break it down into the right size pieces so that we can...
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