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What Is An Extreme Athlete and Can You Be One Of Them?

What Is An Extreme Athlete and Can You Be One Of Them?

While the word ‘extreme’ can refer to doing something greater than most others have done before, it can also simply mean doing something greater than you have personally ever done before. In this way, do you regard yourself as an extreme athlete, or aspire...
Endurance As An Agreement With Yourself

Endurance As An Agreement With Yourself

A few weeks ago I did a 30-mile (50 km) point-to-point run with my good friend along the iconic Forest Park trail that has a lot of elevation gain toward the end. He runs this trail once or twice a year though this was to be my first time joining him on it. I had been...
Surviving or Comfortable or Competitive? Part 4

Surviving or Comfortable or Competitive? Part 4

Continued from Part 3. Training In Cycles And, over the course of a few weeks, your fatigue accumulates. This is something you should expect and actually plan for. Through a process known as periodization, with cycles lasting several weeks, and changing emphasis at...
Surviving or Comfortable or Competitive? Part 2

Surviving or Comfortable or Competitive? Part 2

Continued from Part 1. How Much Is Enough To Be Comfortable? When someone asks me a version of this question, I need to know a few things to help guide them toward an answer that is more suitable to their personal situation: How do you want to finish this event:...
Surviving or Comfortable or Competitive? Part 1

Surviving or Comfortable or Competitive? Part 1

I am often approached by swimmers thinking about preparing to swim a much longer distance than they have done before – like 3.8K (Ironman tri), 5K, 10K or 20K, or even 40K (for the English Channel). I receive this question in various forms, and it essentially...
Avoid Hitting The Wall On A Long Swim/Run

Avoid Hitting The Wall On A Long Swim/Run

The question about feeding has come up with some swimmers preparing for long swim (more than 2 hours). Something like, “I start to feel suddenly quite tired after an hour or so, and I think I need some food to keep going. What should I eat and drink?  This...
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