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How To Slice A 1500?

I swam 3000m today at 9:40am. The pool was a very nice 28.5 degrees C. WARM UP 500m enjoyable cruising, half hand, half fistgloved MAIN SET 1500m timed, with TT set to 1.30. I held 18 SPL. Came in at 26:26 (24:07 for 1500yd). 500m splits worked out to 8:49/8:51/8:46....

Get Slippier at High Tempos

Today I swam 2600m. The pool was a very nice 28 degrees C- cool enough to make one want to keep moving. I got poor sleep the 2 nights previous, but last night I slept 9 hours hard so I felt awake this morning. WARM UP 4x 100m, FG/hand alternate for warm-up 1st SET 12x...

Gimme 25 and I’ll take a 100

I swam 3000m today. The pool was a perfect 29 degrees C. Warm-up 5x 100m, descend SPL from 17, -1 SPL per 100. Main Set Ladder 2x [8×25, 4×100, 2×100, 200, with 50 recovery swim between each] I gave about 15 seconds rest 25, and about 20 for the...

Eat More Lactic Acid or Less?

3000m today in an overly warm 31 degrees C pool. Felt decently rested and eager to swim. FG= Fistglove, TT=tempo trainer Warm-Up 200m FG, held SPL at 18 200m hand, held SPL 15 200m FG, held SPL 16 200m hand, held SPL 14 Main Set 3x [4×50 @ TT 1.20, 4×50 @ TT...

Increase Tempo, Increase Speed? Not Always

Today I had to cut it short, but still got in 2600 quality meters. WARM UP 10×50 fistgloved warm up- first 25 moderate tempo, 25 easy. MAIN SET 4x [50, 100, 150, 200] where the first half of each was a timed, tempo’d speed effort, and the second recovery...

Intentionally Adjusting SPL per length

I cut my training session short today to 2600m. I’m still not feeling 100%. I have run a fever off and on the past couple days indicating that my body was not kicking the sinus infection, so I broke down and got some antibiotics. Still it feels more helpful than...
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