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Tune-Up Quick Guide

Here is a more simplified guide on how a Tune-Up could be constructed: Distance/Duration: It could be from 10 minutes to 15 minutes for an already well-tuned swimmer, to the entire practice for an out-of-tune swimmer. I am very reluctant to lay out actual distance or...

How To Construct A Tune-Up

  So what exactly might a ‘Tune-Up’ look like? It is a sequence of steps I take to prepare my mind and body for the main task of the practice. It’s a series of steps, or a routine even, for bringing each essential piece into line so the swimmer (me)...

Why Tune-Up?

What is a Tune-Up? And why should you add one to your swim practice? Traditionally, in individual sports like running and swimming, we have used the term “warm-up” for that part of the practice we do at the very beginning. The word ‘warm’...
Tips For Designing A Single Practice Session

Tips For Designing A Single Practice Session

This is part of a series called The Happier Swimmer: how to set up your practice lifestyle so that you are making steady improvement toward your goal, making the body safer and stronger, and enjoying the process more than ever so you have the motivation to keep going....

Smooth The Jerk

I want to share a few observations from my cool water swimming experiment this winter. You might appreciate some of this for your own swim training journey… If you’ve been following me this winter you know I have set out to swim in the Mediterranean Sea on...
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