Why Build Skill?

Why Build Skill?

If you are reading this blog, most likely you are interested in improving your swimming skill, whether you are a fitness, competitive or adventure swimmer. So, you don’t really need to be convinced of this further. But, like me, you certainly notice the majority...
Thinking Clearly

Thinking Clearly

Here is another book I must recommend for you: The Art Of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli. It was just what I was looking for lately in my research when I ran across it in the airport bookstore – a list and brief description of fifty common cognitive biases...
Drink Down?

Drink Down?

I wrote the essay Drink Up! recently describing the importance of adequate hydration to maintain mental as well as physical performance – I cited medical observations by Dr. Kenneth Kamler in his book “Surviving The Extremes.” It is important to...
Building A Bridge

Building A Bridge

I want to expand upon the topic of Overcoming Swimming Fear, but from a different angle – I want to address the fear of expanding motivation, expanding one’s orientation for swimming. Everyone may have a blend of motives for swimming, but each may be able...
Perceived Danger Zone

Perceived Danger Zone

This is a diagram I made to supplement my thoughts in the previous essay on Overcoming Swimming Fears. I just want to outline the subject in this post, while I can see the opportunity to expand a lot on each section of this diagram. Zone A – Personal Comfort...
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