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Is It Time To Get A New (Inner) Coach?

Is It Time To Get A New (Inner) Coach?

Is it time to get a new coach?  How has the one you’ve got been treating you? I mean, how does he or she talk to you when things are not going well, when you are not performing as you intend? Are his or her words condemning? Is the tone harsh? Is there...
Do Your Intentions For Swimming Matter?

Do Your Intentions For Swimming Matter?

What Is Intention? Your intention is another word for your sense of purpose.  While it is not regarded as one of the attitudes I’ve been writing about in this series, intention is regarded as a central component of mindfulness practice, as one part of the triad...
Should The Expert Swimmer Become A Beginner Again?

Should The Expert Swimmer Become A Beginner Again?

The Joy of a Beginner It is a great pleasure to work with a new swimmer or one who is totally new to our way of swimming and training and have them be so open and excited at the new possibilities and see hope emerging in their mind. Their joy of discovery becomes my...
How Much Does It Matter What Others Think?

How Much Does It Matter What Others Think?

My recent deeper study on the attitudes of mindfulness have brought me to the topic of evaluation, and in particular, self-evaluation. A question I have asked somewhere before now has popped back into my mind with more importance than I understood previously, so I...
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