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Swimming And Depression

I wrote some time ago about my experience of depression and how swimming really helps. A couple weeks ago I returned home from a medical emergency trip to the US for a family member there. It was the right move no doubt and well worth the price paid to go. But I did...

Join Our ‘Effortless Exercise’ Discussion

This week we’ll start our ‘book club’ discussion of Grant Molyneux’s pdf eBook ‘Effortless Exercise’ to strengthen our understanding and motivation for more consistent, satisfying, injury-free training (in any tri sport!). I sent...

Live Well In Pool And Out

Yesterday, Coach Terry shared with me a testimony from one of his students, a doctor from Sweden. I wanted to share with you a paragraph from that which I found particularly inspiring: [My wife] said a few days ago that I should try to feel as relaxed outside the pool...

No Retirement Necessary

Coach Terry shared an article from the NY Times Online with me today. I nearly started crying. I am completely confident that an experienced TI Coach can guide you to achieve your Ultimate Potential along a unique and effective path. TI Philosophy, and I dare say, TI...

Health versus Fitness

There is a difference between the concepts of “health” and “fitness”. Let me propose a definition for each: Health = the condition when systems of the body and mind are in an optimal state and harmony for energetic, productive, long-lasting, regenerative living....


Bio-Rhythm I love this word. It encompasses the idea that something in the ecosystem, or something in the body, something in the being knows the right order of things. It gives the idea that there is wisdom inside the living-system. When we detect the bio-rhythm in a...
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